Boitumelo Patience Pule's Founders' Journey
Single Mothers Safe Haven (SMSH) Trust is a testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of God. As a Christian organization, we bring hope to the broken souls of single mothers and their children by empowering them with life skills, building healthy communities, and contributing to the greatness of Botswana.
Our members and volunteers own this vision, and they are running with it to implement the programs and achieve our objectives, doing a collective task as children of God.
The initial name was “Food Bank for Single Mothers in Botswana ,” and we officially registered as Single Mothers Safe Haven Trust on May 13, 2024, with the Master of the High Court, Botswana.
Matthew 25:31-46 is our anchor scripture, reflecting love in action . In this scripture, Jesus encourages every Christian to share food, give drink to the thirsty, provide clothing, visit the sick, and visit those in prison to qualify to be at His right hand on the day of judgment when He will judge the nations. That is love in action according to 1 Corinthians 13:1-8; Love never fails.
Our Trust’s logo tagline, “Fifing go tshwaranwa ka dikobo,” expresses our commitment to standing with each other during dark days and supporting one another in times of uncertainty. Our pure intention is to improve the lives of single mothers in Botswana.
Jesus Christ is our vision . We follow in His footsteps to fulfill the will of our Father in heaven, who is God β love in action. May God be glorified in our midst. Amen.
We thank God for this vision supported by the anchor scripture
(Matthew 25:31-46).
This vision belongs to Batswana. We need each other to build something incredible for single mothers in Botswana. Together as a collective body, we can make Botswana great.
One day, we will look back and say, “This was the LORD’s doing; It is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23).
How loving our God is
John 3:16.
Seven years ago (2016), God placed Matthew 25:31-46 in my heart. I tried to ignore it, but every time I attended a church gathering, speakers would mention it.
Then, in 2018, at a Women’s Church Conference at Life Church in Bradford, England , God dealt with me powerfully during an afternoon session. I surrendered completely and felt the heavy anointing of God as I filled out a form to support orphaned children around the world.
I selected a child’s form, looked at their picture, and cried tears of surrender, knowing God had a plan for me. Over the years, I continued to support orphanage children around the world and later expanded to support Israel Messianic Bibles Charities in England, helping children and families in need .
As a volunteer in our church’s food bank distribution ministry in England, I eventually became the coordinator, a role I cherished deeply .
Being a single mother myself, I understood the challenges single mothers go through and desired to bring the love of God back to single mothers in Botswana . Broken mothers can end up raising broken children, contributing to broken communities due to bad parenting. The children end up being broken storytellers. As Christians, we must bring healing to our societies.
That’s why at SMSH, we have developed various programs to teach godly principles, bring healing to broken souls, empower single mothers to care for themselves and their children, and raise their children in a godly manner.
Initially, I would share the little food I had and clothing with a few individuals whenever I visited my country – Botswana. But an individualistic approach will never feed and clothe a large number of single mothers in Botswana in dire need.
Coming together as Batswana and building systems/models to empower single mothers with life skills to improve their lives will yield more fruits, and one day they will stand and testify to the goodness of God because they had enrolled in our programs at Single Mothers Safe Haven (SMSH) Trust.
Single Mothers Safe Haven (SMSH) is an inter-denominational model, meaning all churches are involved. We cannot rely on politics alone to change the lives of single mothers in Botswana. As citizens, we must arise and support each other.
Establish systems and mobilize resources as a big block and attract a substantial amount of funds and donations from various organizations to fund SMSH, and implement SMSH programs to achieve our objectives and address the issue of empowering single mothers with life skills to improve their earning capacity and be able to look after their children.
On January 11, 2023, after seeing a Facebook post from an influencer in Botswana about a single mother in crisis (A CRY FOR HELP, as she struggled to provide for her young child and contemplated suicide), Sister Kefilwe Rasedie and I discussed the idea of creating systems to help single mothers in Botswana . We prayed, invited others to join us, and held our first Zoom meeting on January 14, 2023.
Thank you to our first eight attendees . The number 8 symbolizes new beginnings (Isaiah 43:19), reflecting God’s promise to do a new thing. Praise be to God.
This is how Single Mothers Safe Haven (SMSH) Trust was born. To God be the glory .
A massive thank you to everyone who joined this God-initiated vision based on Matthew 25:31-46.
The first attendees at our January 14, 2023 meeting were:
– Sister Kefilwe Rasedie
– Mma Moruti Gaserekwe Makoko
– Mma Moruti Nkarabang
– Mma Moruti Neo Kizika
– Mrs. Kenanao Pinaeman
– Mrs. Gorata Moshaga
– Myself (Boitumelo P. Pule)
– My daughter – Aone Ludo Hope Pule
We continued with general members and leadership team meetings on Zoom almost every other month, culminating in our first physical meeting for all members on January 8, 2024, in Gaborone, Botswana
. Thank you to our sponsor — BeautyHooked Pampering Hands Parlour who hosted this meeting.
Number 8 holds special significance for us, symbolizing new beginnings
(Isaiah 43:19).
Thank you to all our present and future stakeholders, sponsors, donors, and partners. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE BOTSWANA GREAT. God bless you for your generosity.
Our Executive Committee, the Founders, Volunteers, Members, Diaspora ambassadors, local and regional ambassadors, and our different sub-committees supporting the Executive Committee, thank you so much for your commitment and passion for serving our single mothers.
May God reward you beautifully and bountifully for He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him
(Hebrews 11:6).
Exciting times are ahead .
With much love to you all .
Let us sing:
“See what the LORD has done….”