About Us

Overview of the Trust

Single Mothers Safe Haven (SMSH) is a Christian non-profit organisation (NPO) with the main objective of providing food parcels and basic necessities to struggling single mothers in Botswana, as well as empowering them with life skills. Matthew 25:31-46

Additionally, it aims to empower single mothers with basic life skills such as computer skills, sewing, gardening, basic cooking skills, baking, and craftwork to improve their earning capacity and enable them to support and feed their families.

Single Mothers Safe Haven (SMSH) was officially registered on 13th May 2024 according to the laws of Botswana (Trust Property Control Act 2018 and 2022). 🇧🇼

Anchor Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46

Single Mothers Safe Haven (SMSH) believes in fulfilling Matthew 25:31-46, which is our anchor scripture.  We believe that as born-again Christians, we should prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ by actively showing love and compassion to God’s people. We strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus on earth, demonstrating the love of God by helping feed the hungry, giving clothes to those in need, and performing other acts of compassion, just as Jesus did.

Meaning of the logo

The SMSH logo depicts a mother bird(mother hen) bringing a leaf to feed her babies(chicks). At Single Mothers Safe Haven Trust, we gather resources from different sponsors and stakeholders to provide food for single mothers and empower them with various life skills so they can support themselves and their families. This brings hope to single mothers.

The Trust aims to provide food parcels to struggling single mothers in Botswana and empower them with life skills such as basic cooking skills, sewing, basic computer skills, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, gardening, farming, crafts and many more.

Sponsorships: Our various fundraising activities/events will help fund all the activities of Single Mothers Safe Haven.

Single Mothers Safe Haven (SMSH) takes pride in encouraging members to develop strategic partnerships locally and abroad. Working with an individualistic mindset won’t take us far.

 Single Mothers Safe Haven works collectively in collaboration with other affiliated bodies in Botswana such as BOCONGO, Volunteer Hub, Botswana Council of Women (BCW), and other Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs)/Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) outside Botswana.

Single Mothers Safe Haven believes charity begins at home. As Christians, we can’t claim to be big Christians on Sunday at church if we fail to show Christianity to our family members at home. Similarly, before reaching out to international sponsors and forming links across Africa and beyond, we must start with local partnerships. We must be close friends with BOCONGO, Volunteer Hub, Botswana Council of Women (BCW), Business Women Botswana, Ministry of Gender Affairs, and many more.

They must know that we exist to empower a certain niche in Botswana, and they must talk about us in relevant board meetings. This is how we gain local and international exposure.

Sometimes, our government may allocate money for socio-economic development and choose NGOs like ours to implement projects. If we work together with affiliated bodies such as BOCONGO and others, they will trust us and provide some funds for us to manage.

At Single Mothers Safe Haven Trust, our mission is encapsulated in our acronym F.E.T

  • Feed: Provide nourishment and essential resources.
  • Empower: Equip single mothers with the tools and support they need to thrive.
  • Transform: Create lasting change in the lives of single mothers and their children.

This represents our commitment to making a meaningful impact on the community we serve.

Single Mothers Safe Haven cannot operate without its committed members and volunteers

We provide training and development for our members and volunteers because we believe in running a system with well-defined structures and a solid leadership team that serves with passion, touches lives, and transforms the lives of single mothers and their families, leaving a positive impact.

Finally, Single Mothers Safe Haven has an organizational structure consisting of:

First Level
Board of Trustees

Which is the Executive Committee, includes the heads of departments.

Second Level

Sub-Committees Teams, supporting the Executive Committee.

Third Level

Who will be representatives of Single Mothers Safe Haven across Botswana, including Regional Ambassadors and Diaspora Ambassadors.

Fourth Level

As many as possible, since Single Mothers Safe Haven will serve the entire country of Botswana.

We are thankful to God for our members, volunteers, and stakeholders. Together, we can make Single Mothers Safe Haven a reality and an answer for single mothers in Botswana, leaving a lasting impact in their lives by fulfilling (Matthew 25:31-46.)

The God who began a good work in Single Mothers Safe Haven (SMSH) will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6).

For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;  was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me. (Matthew 25:35-36)